The new Paper Route record, Real Emotion, is real good.
I love ocean photography and it has been awesome to watch Ryan Pernofski do this thing:
- This is important work for Bob, Debs, Love Does & Jeremy, Matt, Preemptive Love Coalition. Learn about it and support:
As Blinksale continues, I am interested what David Heinemeier Hansson has to say as the founder of Ruby on Rails, the framework that Blinksale is built on. Tim Ferriss' podcast with DHH is a great way to get to know his work.
This documentary, "I Saw The Light," will be very interesting.
I get weary of tech products, but this Eclipse looks pretty sharp.
Very cool story about author John Greene taking an interest (financially as well) in Wimbledon FC.
Joseph is killing it:
- Now that the Cavs and the Cubs have both won championships, the focus has shifted to San Diego as America's saddest sports city.