Virgin America Opens DFW
Last week, I got to accompany my cousin and one of my best friends, Stephen Greenwood, on a rad work trip of his as Virgin America opened service to DFW. It was a pretty incredible experience and I wanted to share with you a few photos that he took…
Richard Branson in cowboy outfit and all…
Just before being welcomed by the Mayor of Dallas.
Their theme (directed right at American Airlines) was “Don’t fly like cattle”.
Oh, the irony.
Thanks to Virgin America for putting us all up in the W Hotel. It was really fantastic.
The Winspear Opera House was an amazing venue for the festivities.
I’ve never really listened to Willie Nelson’s music, but there is no denying he is a legend. Toward the end of his show, Lacey called and as I was talking to her, Willie was finishing up, walked right toward me and shook my hand. He then proceeded to do that to everyone down the line.
Partners in crime since birth, but especially fun this particular time around.
Stephen got a lot of great footage and threw this together this week for Gadling (a travel blog by AOL). Enjoy.